Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Gnaphalium polycaulon - Pers.
Family Asteraceae
Common Name Many-stemmed Cudweed
Habit Herb
Synonym Gnaphalium floccosum DC.
Habitat Muddy or sandy places
Color Of Flower White
Key Characters Heads white/purple; pappus bristles distinct, not pilose.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Annual, prostrate, decumbent or erect herbs; stem simple or much branched from the base, woolly; leaves alternate, semi-ampexicaul, entire, linear-obovate or linear-spathulate with narrowed base, obtuse at apex, densely woolly on both surfaces; heads small, golden yellow, heterogamous, in axillary racemose or spikes; involucral bracts campanulate, 2-seriate, scarious, thickened at base, yellowish brown, usually longer than the flowers; outer ones long, lanceolate; inner ones glabrous, linear-oblong, subacute; ray florets 1-seriate, female, fertile; ligule filiform, 2-3-lobed; disk florets bisexual, few, slender; corolla broader, lobes acute but as long as the corolla of ray florets; anthers obtuse above, sagitate below with slender tails; style arms truncate; stigma capitate; achenes oblong, sometimes angular, beaked, glabrous, not ribbed; pappus usually 1-seriate, deciduous, slender, thickened at the tip, hairy, free. |