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Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Viola tricolor - L.
Family Violaceae
Common Name Pansy or Hearts ease
Habit Herb
Synonym Jacea tricolor (L.) Opiz
Habitat Garden or cultivated fields
Color Of Flower variously coloured
Key Characters Sepals produced at the base, petals almost equal; anthers connate
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Annual, branched herb; basal leaves cordate or rounded, cauline leaves ovate, oblong or lanceolate, crenate to dentate; stipules large, ovate-oblong, adnate to the middle point, persistent; flowers irregular, 5-merous, showy, variously coloured, spurred; sepals 5, unequal or equal, imbricate, produced at the base; petals 5, erect or spreading, lower largest spurred at the base; stamens-5, anthers free or connate, filaments short, broad; connective broad, produced beyond the cells; ovary sessile, 1-celled, many ovuled on 3 parietal placentas; style simple; stigma capitate, truncate or cupular; capsule 3-valved; seeds many, ovoid, albuminous. |