Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Grangea maderspatana - (L.) Desf.
Family Asteraceae
Common Name Mastaru, Madras Carpet
Habit Herb
Synonym Artemisia maderaspatana L.
Habitat Open places
Color Of Flower Orange-Yellow
Key Characters Pappus present, scales in a ring.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Prostrate or suberect, villous herb; stem ascending, angular, pubescent, spreading from root stock; branches long, forming circular patches on ground; leaves alternate, sessile, sinuately pinnatifid, lobes distantly toothed, basal leaves up to 5 cm long, gradually smaller towards apex,densely clothed with long or short hairs; heads yellow, solitary, terminal or leaf opposed, on peduncle 2-3 cm long; involucrel broadly campanulate, bracts few seriate, outer herbaceous, oblong, acute, longer than corolla tube, inner elliptic-rounded; receptacle convex or conic, naked; florets not rayed; 1-many seriate, outer ones female, fertile, filiform, 2-fid, inner 2-4 fid, bisexual, fertile, tube very slender, limb 4-5 cleft; anther base obtuse; style arms of bisexual florets cuneate, obtuse with triangular points; achenes flattened or subterete, brown; pappus cupular, hairs connate into a cylindrical fimbriate tube. |