Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Lagascea mollis - Cav.
Family Asteraceae
Common Name Nikargua, Silk leaf
Habit Herb
Synonym Legascea parifolia Klatt.
Habitat Waste places
Color Of Flower White
Key Characters Stem leaves and heads not spinous, leaves opposite; corolla white.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Annual, erect, rigid tall herb; stem much branched, villous, scabrid; young parts densely grey hairy; leaves usually opposite or upper alternate, ovate, acuminate, base acute, margin subcrenate, soft, silky pubescent beneath; petioles densely pubescent; heads solitary, terminating in slender, naked peduncle subtended by an involucres of leafy bracts, containing many simple heads, each head consisted of tubular involucre and single floret; involucral bracts 5, lanceolate, connate into a tube for about half the length of ovary, ciliate; receptacle minute, flower bisexual, fertile, tubular, white, red or yellow, tube short, limb elongate, cylindric, dilated, 5-fid; stamens-5, peripetalous, syngenecious, anther base sagitate, auricles obtuse; ovary-1 celled, 1-ovuled, solitary, basal, obtuse, style arms elongate, acute, hairy; achenes cuneate, compressed or 3-angled, tip rounded; pappus very obscure or toothed or fimbriate scales, connate, forming a ring or cup. |