Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Launaea aspleniifolia - Hook. f.
Family Asteraceae
Common Name Bangobhi
Habit Herb
Synonym Ammoseris asplenifolia Poir.
Habitat Open fields
Color Of Flower Cream yellow
Key Characters Achenes truncate at both ends.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Perennial, glabrous herb with yellow juice; leaves chiefly radical, sessile or shortly petioled, narrowly obovate, lobes minutely toothed; cauline leaves few, lyrate; flowering branches many from the root, dichotomous; heads in terminal panicles, yellow, homogamous; florets all ligulate; involucres campanulate or cylindric, bracts many seriate, herbaceous, margins often membranous; inner linear, glabrous, subequal, outer small, various, keel often thickened in fruit; anther base sagitate, auricles setaceous; style arms slender; achenes narrow, columnar, subterete, angled or ribbed, ribs rough, much shorter than pappus; pappus copious, very soft, white, hairs many seriate, simle, very slender, few inner sometimes longer and stronger. |