Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Senecio grahami - Benth.
Family Asteraceae
Common Name Sonki
Habit Herb
Synonym Senecio abadianus DC.
Habitat Open places
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Involucral bracts 1-2 seriate, leaves entire.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Annual, erect, slender, much branched herb; stem glabrescent; leaves ovoid, abruptly narrowed, petiolate, coarsely and irregularly toothed, broad, prominent veins white tomentose beneath; upper cauline leaves with a pair of lanceolate auricles at the base of petiole; heads yellow, heterogamous, solitary, axillary on very slender peduncles; involucral broadly campanulate, bracts 10-12, equal,1-2-seriate, free or connate without white margins, outer ones very short; receptacle flat or convex, naked, pitted or fimbrillate; ray florets female, fertile, ligulate; disk florets bisexual, fertile, tubular, 5-lobed, yellow or creamy white; stamens-5, epipetalous, syngenecious, anthers sagitate; ovary 1-celled, 1-ovuled, solitary, basal, obtuse, style arms elongate, obtuse; achenes of ray florets linear, curved, compressed, smooth; achenes of disk florets turbinate, ribbed, strigose, much longer than the pappus of double, white, paleaceous, setaceous hairs. |