Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Sonchus asper - L.
Family Asteraceae
Common Name Spiny Sowthistle
Habit Herb
Synonym Sonchus oleraceus var. asper L.
Habitat Open places
Color Of Flower Creamy yellow
Key Characters Achenes strongly compressed, narrowly winged, smooth.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Annual, glabrous, milky herbs, 15-70 cm high; lower leaves oblanceolate or spathulate, lobed or undivided; middle leaves often runcinate-pinnatifid, sometimes entire; basal leaves up to 22 cm long, dentate or subspinose at margins, auricles rounded, stem clasping, entire or pinnatifidly toothed; heads homogamous, terminal, crowded in subcorymbose umbels or panicles on long peduncle; involucres ovoid, campanulate or cylindric, often dilated, thickened, conic at the base; bracts many seriate, herbaceous, ovate-lanceolate, glabrous, outer smaller; receptacle flat, naked; all florets ligulate, 5-fid, pubescent; achenes brown, 2-3 mm long, ovoid, obovoid or ellipsoid, compressed, 3-ribbed, obscurely muricate between the smooth or transversely rugose ribs; pappus longer than achenes, hairs many seriate, slender, silky, white. |