Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Sphaeranthus indicus - L.
Family Asteraceae
Common Name Mundi or Gorkhmundi, Globe thistle
Habit Herb
Synonym Sphaeranthus hirtus willd.
Habitat Open places
Color Of Flower Pale purple
Key Characters Pappus absent.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Annual, erect, prostrate or decumbent, aromatic, viscid herb; stem much branched with ascending or spreading branches, toothed or dentate wings; sessile/subsessile; leaves alternate, ovate-oblong, base narrowed, decurrent, toothed or serrate, glandular-villous; heads pale-violet to purple, heterogamous, solitary, terminal, globose, ellipsoid or shortly oblong, 1-1.5 cm across on glandular-pubescent, winged peduncle; involucre with few empty bracts, short, slender, acuminate; receptacle small, naked, flat; involucral bracts narrow, acute, dry, unequal; outer florets female, few to many, fertile, slender, corolla minutely 2-3 toothed; disk florets bisexual, solitary or few, fertile or sterile, tube thickened, limb 4-5 toothed; stamens 5, epipetalous, syngenecious, anthers sagitate; anther lobes sagitate, auricles tailed; ovary 1-celled, 1-ovuled, solitary, basal, obtuse, style arms filiform, connate or not; achenes glandular hairy, oblong, subcompressed; pappus absent. |