Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Tridex procumbens - (L.) L.
Family Asteraceae
Common Name Ghamra, Coat Buttons, Tridax daisy
Habit Herb
Synonym Habitat Waste places
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Achenes silky villous.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Perennial, procumbent or straggling, hirsute herb; branched from the base; leaves opposite, pinnatisect, segment few, narrow, hirsute, slightly fleshy, ovate-lanceolate, irregularly; petioles short, prominent; head with very long peduncle, terminal or solitary, yellow, heterogamous; involucral bracts few seriate, outer herbaceous, short, broad, inner longer, membranous, scarious; receptacles flat or convex; ray florets female, fertile, ligulate; disk florets bisexual, fertile, tubular, limbs elongate, 5-fid; anther bases with short, acute auricles; style arms subulate, hairy; achenes silky hairy, turbinate or oblong, brown; pappus of short or long, aristate, feathery bristles. |