Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Vernonia anthelmentica - (L.) Wild.
Family Asteraceae
Common Name Kalijiri, banjira, Iron weed, Purple fleebane
Habit Herb
Synonym Centratherum anthelimintica (L.) Kuntze
Habitat Waste places
Color Of Flower Purple
Key Characters Erect, tall herbs or undershrubs.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Annual or perennial, erect, stout, robust herb; stem striate, glandular pubescent; leaves alternate, ovate or lanceolate, acute or acuminate, margins coarsely serrate, rather membranous, base tapering into the petiole, more or less pubescent on both sides; heads homogamous, many-flowered in axillary or terminal, panicle or subcorymbose cymes; involucres ovoid, globose or hemispheric; involucral bracts in many series, outer bracts linear, broad with purple tips, herbaceous, longer than inner ones; florets all bisexual, fertile, equal, corolla, tubular, slender, narrowly, 5-lobed, purple; anther bases obtuse; style arms subulat; achenes very small, 10 ribbed or striate, black, pubescent on the ribs, glandular between grooves; pappus biseriate, outer rather longer, shining, reddish, flattened deciduous; inner very short, rigid and paleaceous. |