Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Xanthium strumarium - L.
Family Asteraceae
Common Name Bicchu-butti, Cocklebur, Burweed
Habit Herb
Synonym Xanthium indicum Koen.
Habitat Open places
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Heads heterogamous, achenes spinous.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Annual, coarse, rough herb, unarmed; stem scarbrous-hispid, erect, stout, branched; leaves alternate, petiolate, large, broadly ovate, shallowly 3-7 lobed, margin irregularly toothed, base cordate to subcordate, strongly 3 nerved; petioles 4-8 cm long; heads monoecious, solitary or fascicled in axillary and terminal racemes; male head short, globose, shortly peduncled in upper axils with 1-seriate, short bracts and many tubular florets appearing bisexual but with sterile achenes; female heads 2-flowered, fertile in lower axils; involucres bracts united into ovoid, 2-beaked herbaceous urticle clothed with hooked bristles; corolla absent; filaments monadelphous, anthers free, base obtuse, tips mucronate, inflaxed; styles slender, undivided in female exserted from involucre; achenes-2, enclosed within ovoid or elliptic, hardened, spinescent, involucre of brown color; pappus absent. |