Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Jasminum humile - L.
Family Oleaceae
Common Name Pili Chameli, Yellow Jasmine
Habit Shrub
Synonym Habitat Cultivated
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Leaves 3-foliolate, flower yellow.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Erect, diffused, glabrous, rigid, evergreen shrub; leaves alternate, 3-foliolate, pinnate, very variable in shape and size, rhomboid to oblong, acute, obtuse at both ends, coriaceous, sessile or subsessile, terminal one often larger than lateral ones, nerves inconspicuous; cymes 10-20 flowered; flowers bright yellow, fragrant, in terminal, corymbose cymes, bracts linear, minute, calyx lobes 5, glabrous or nearly so, teeth triangular to oblong; corolla lobes 5, bright yellow, broadly ovate to lanceolate; in open flower; stamens-2, included in the corolla tube, filament very short, anther oblong, connective shortly produced; ovary 2-celled, ovules 2 in each cell, style cylindric, stigmas-2, linear; berries simple or didymous, ellipsoid, black when ripe. |