Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Jasminum malabaricum - Wight
Family Oleaceae
Common Name Juhi, Jui.; Vanguli, Wild Jasmine
Habit Climbing shrub
Synonym Jasminum glabellum Wall.
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower White
Key Characters Calyx lobes equal to 1/3rd of the corolla tube, calyx lobes 5-8 mm long; berries ellipsoid.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Climbing or scandent shrub; branches pubescent; leaves simple, opposite, simple, subcordate or ovate broadest at the base, membranous, suddenly acuminate, broadest at the base, nerves 9 pairs, distinct beneath; petiole short, prominent; flowers 40-50, in lax, corymbose or compound, trichotomous cymes, pedicels short; bracts subulate, acute; calyx teeth subulate, oblong, acute, hairy; corolla white, lobes as long as the tube about 1-2 cm, broadly oblong, glabrous; stamens-2, included in corolla tube, filaments short, anthers oblong; carpels globose, ellipsoid or elongate; ovary 2 celled, ovules 2 in each cell; style cylindric; stigma 2, linear or fusiform; fruits berry, ellipsoid, globose, black. |