Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Nyctanthes-arbor-tristis - L.
Family Nyctanthaceae
Common Name Harshrengar, Night Jasmine,Tree of sorrow
Habit Tree
Synonym Nyctanthes dentata Blume
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower White
Key Characters leaves opposite, ovate.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Perennial, large shrub or small tree reaching up to 10m in height; branches quadrangular, covered with stiff hairs; leaves coriaceous, simple, opposite, entire or coarsely dentate, ovate, rounded or cuneate at base, densely pubescent beneath with appressed hairs; petiole not articulated; flowers sessile, 3-7 in pedunculate, axillary and terminal, trichotomous, paniculate cymes, sweet scented at night; bracts broadly ovate or suborbicular, apiculate, hairy on both surfaces; calyx campanulate, cylindric, subtruncate, finally split or deciduous, obscurely toothed, teeth ciliate; corolla salver shaped, white with oranged red, cylindric tube, lobes 4-8, white, imbricate in bud; stamens 2, anthers subsessile, near the top of corolla tube; ovary 2-locular, style cylindric, very shortly bifid, ovule one in each cell; capsule obcordate or orbicular, compressed, 2-valved, glabrous; seeds erect, orbicular, flattened, 1-2, brown. |