Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Adenium obesum - (Frossk.) R. & S.
Family Apocynaceae
Common Name Impala lily, Desert rose
Habit Shrub
Synonym Adenium arboretum Ehrenb.
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower Pink/red
Key Characters Fruit follicles, leaves up to 10 cm; throat of corolla wide open.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Perennial, evergreen, succulent undershrub; stem with stout, swollen, basal caudex; leaves alternate, spathulate, dark green, deciduous, clustered at the tips of shoots, simple, entire, obtuse, leathery in texture; flowers bisexual, pentamerous, hypogynous, tubular with spreading lobes, showy, pink to red; calyx 5-lobed, ovate-oblong, glands absent; corolla large, showy, campanulate, lobes-5, rounded or orbicular, overlapping to the left, pink with a ring of white scales at the throat, tubular in the lower half, spreading above; densely villous at the throat; stamens 5, adherent to stigma, adnate at the throat of corolla tube, included, anthers sagitate, mucronate; ovary unilocular, ovules many on 2-parietal placentae; fruits grey or brown; seeds with tufted hairs at both ends. |