Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Argyreia nervosa - (Burm. f.) Bojer
Family Convolvulaceae
Common Name Samander-ka-pat, Elephant creeper
Habit Climber
Synonym Convulvulus nervosus Burm. f
Habitat Other plants
Color Of Flower Pink/purple
Key Characters Climbing, densely pubescent herbs, peduncles 15-20 cm long.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Climber, stout, densely pubescent sometimes glabrescent when young; leaves alternate, broadly ovate to cordate, acute at apex, cordate at base, persistently white tomentose beneath petioles 5-15 cm, white tomentose; flowers in subcapitate cymes; peduncles 20-26 cm long, tomentose; bracts white ovate – lanceolate, long, acuminate pubescent on the back; pedicels 1 cm, long; calyx white tomentose outside, sepals-5, oblong-elliptic, obtuse; corolla funnel shaped, pinkish-purple, tube swollen above, narrowed in calyx, strigose limb with short spreading lobes; stamens 5, included, filaments pilose at base; ovary 4-celled, style filiform, stigmas 2, globose; fruit a dry hard berry, subglobose; seeds 4 or fewer, light or dark brown, glabrous. |