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Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Ecbolium ligustrinum - (Vahl.)Vollesen
Family Acanthaceae
Common Name Udajat, Nilambari, Green Shrimp Plant
Habit Under shrub
Synonym Ecobolium viride (Forssk.) Alston
Habitat Waste land
Color Of Flower Blue
Key Characters Staminodes absent,corolla blue
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Annual or perennial, erect, nearly glabrous undershrub; stem swollen at the nodes; leaves opposite, ovate or lanceolate, acuminate or subobtuse, tapering at the base into a short petiole, dark-green above, paler beneath, entire, rather coriaceous; flowers in dense, terminal spikes; bracts large, foliaceons, abovate-rhomboid, acute or subacuminate, pubescent, palegreen margin more or less toothed, bracteoles 2, linear, small; calyx 5-partite, linear, narrow, equal or unequal, connate below; corolla bilabiate, upper lip narrow, shortly 2- fid, lower 3- lobed, lobes imbricate in bud, tube long, slender; stamens 2, adnate to the top of corolla tube, anthers 2 celled, cells parallel, subequal, muticous; ovary glabrous or hairy, 2-locular, ovules 2 in each, style filiform, stigma very shortly bifid, capsule ovoid, compressed, long stalked, puberulous; seeds 4 or 2, compressed, orbicular. |