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Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Tecoma stans - (L.) Juss. ex Kunth
Family Bignoniaceae
Common Name Piliya, Yellow trumpel bush, Phutani
Habit Small or large shrub
Synonym Bignonia stans L.
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Acaliflory, fruit capsule, leaflets serrate
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Shrub large or small, stellately grey-puberulous or glabrous; leaves opposite, imparipinnate, rarely simple, leaflets 5-13, lanceolate, glabrous above, puberulous beneath, incised or serrate; flowers often drooping in large, terminal, few-flowered, glabrous, corymbose racemes often shorter than the leaves; bracts lanceolate acute; calyx tubular or campanulate, lobes-5, deltoid, acuminate; corolla bright yellow, lobes-5, sub-equal, tube abruptly contracted at the base; stamens-4, included, hairy at the insertion point, anthers 2-celled, distinct pendulous, staminode small; disc cupilar, fleshy, 5 lobed; ovary oblong or narrowly cylindric, slightly compressed, ovule 2-4 seriate in each locule; capsules linear, cylindric, compressed, brown, tips acute; seeds flat, many, thin, winged. |