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Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Anisochilus cornosus - (L. f.) Wallich ex Benth.
Family Lamiaceae
Common Name Kapurli, Panjiri ka Patta, Thick-leaves lavender
Habit Herb
Synonym Lavandula carnosa L.F.
Habitat Near drains and on hill slopes
Color Of Flower Pale purple
Key Characters Flowers in thick cylindric spikes; upper lip of calyx deflexed in fruit concealing the mouth of tube
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
An erect, annual herb about 20-30 cm high, stem stout, bluntly 4-angled, glabrous or sparsely pubescent, often tinged, with red; leaves broadly ovate, subacute or obtuse at apex, rounded or subcordate at base, crenate-serrate, glabrous above, densely scabrid beneath, rather fleshy; panicles diffusely branched, spikes sub tetragonous, globose to oblong; bracts bradly ovate; calyx pubescent, tubular; upper lip deltoid-lanceolate, lower lip slightly truncate, tube very variable, glabrous or pubescent; fruit calyx with upper lip large, broad, entire, concealing the mouth; corolla pale purple; upper lip short, lower lip with broadly ovate, long lobes, tube decurved; stamens 4, exserted or not, anther cells confluent, filaments free; disc lobed, anterior lobe slightly prolonged; ovary 4-lobed, style 2 fid at the apex; nutlets dry, ovoid, smooth, dark brown shining. |