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Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Santalum album - L.
Family Santalaceae
Common Name Chandan, Sandalwood
Habit Evergreen tree
Synonym Sirium myrtifolium L.
Habitat Hill slopes, wild or planted
Color Of Flower Purplish brown
Key Characters Trees or shrubs with alternate, rarely opposite, entire, exstipulate leaves.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Large or small, evergreen trees, 8 -10 m high, semi-parasitic on roots, drooping branches; young branches purplish, striate; leaves opposite, rarely, alternate, elliptic-ovate, 3-7 X 1.5-3 cm, acute apex, rounded at base, entire, sub-coriaceous; petioles 1-1.5 cm long; flowers in trichotomous panicles, small, 5-merous; panicles shorter than leaves; parianth purpulish brown inside, lobes obovate, minutely ciliate, tube campanulate; stamens 4, exserted, alternating with 4 rounded, obtuse scales of the disc, stigma 3-lobed, alternating with stamens; ovary at first free, half inferior, style elongate, stigmas 2-3 lobed, ovule 2-3 on free central placenta; drupe annulate on top by deciduous perianth, globose, purple-black when ripe;seeds subglobose, hard, ribbed with abundant endosperm. |