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Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Chrozophora rottleri - (Geiseler.) Juss. ex Spreng.
Family Euphorbiaceae
Common Name Suryavarti, shadevi, Rotter’s chrozophora
Habit Herb
Synonym C. tinctoria auct
Habitat Roadsides,waste land
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Male sepals valvate in bud
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Annual erect, stellately tomentose with a deep, long, straight, slender tap root; stem usually naked below, sparingly branched above; leaves alternate, ovate to orbicular, obtuse at apex, truncate-cuneate at base, roughly 3 lobed, thick, rugose, pale-green, densely, stellate-hairy on both surfaces; floweres in axillary or terminal racemes; bracts linear, caducous; in male flowers outer tepals ovate, stellately hairy, inner tepals yellow, ovate-lanceolate; stamens 5-15, 1-3 seriate, filaments connate at base; in female flowers: outer tepals deltoid, acute, hairy, inner tepals yellow, short, setaceous; ovary 3-locular, ovules solitary in each, styles 3, each bifid; capsule subglobose, purplish, stellately tomentose; seeds globose, ash-coloured. |