Plant Detail


Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Ceratophyllum demersum - L.
Common Name
Sevar, Hornwort
Aquatic herb
Ceratophyllum verticillatum Roxb.
Ditches or ponds
Color Of Flower
Greenish white
Key Characters
Submerged aquatic herbs, leaves whorled, cleft into filiform toothed segments.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description

Submerged herb, monoecious; root absent forming a much branched tengled mass; branchlets brittle, slender green; leaves 4-9 in a whorl, dichotomously forked with 2-4 filiform, minutely dentate, segments, bright or olive green, robust, rigid, brittle; stipules absent; flowers axillary, solitary, minute, sessile; male flowers and female flowers are produced in separate axils of same plant; male tepals 6-12, narrow or linear, greenish white, ciliate at apex, sub clavate, 2-fid; stamens 20-30 in whorls, filaments short, anthers exserted; connective prolonged at the tip into 2 spines and a central projection; pistillode absent; female perianth as in males; ovary sessile, superior, ovoid 1-locular; ovule solitary, pendulous; style subulate, oblique, stigmatic on one side; fruit a nutlet, ellipsoid or ovoid, laterally compressed, terminating in minutely tuberculate, apical spine, straight or slightly recurved.

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