Plant Detail


Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Vallisneria spiralis - L.
Common Name
Tape grass, American wild celery
Aquatic herb
Vallisneria jacquinii Sani
Ponds and ditches
Color Of Flower
Key Characters
Stem stoloniferous, creeping leaves long, ribbon shaped; spathe very long.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description

Submerged, tufted, dioecious, stoloniferous herbs, variable in size; rooting in mud; leaves, radical or crowded at the basse, linear, very long about 40cm, shorter according to the depth of water-body, entire or serrulate at the tips, 3-9 nerved, sheathing at base; male flowers numerous, minute, on 3 lobed, shortly stalked spathes; when ready to open detached and float on water with expanded perianth, pedicels long, slender; sepals 3, ovate-oblong, petal absent; stamens 1-3, anthers, didymous, pistillode absent; female flowers solitary in a tubular, 3-toothed spathe terminating in a long, spiral, filiform scape the uncoiling of which brings the flowers to the surface to get fertilized by the floating males and again coils to bring the ovary down to ripen under water; perianth as in males; staminodes 3, each 2 fid; ovary narrow, not produced upwards, ovules numerous; styles 3, splitted into broad, notched stigmatic lobes; fruits linear, 5-7 cm long, included in the spathe; seeds numerous, oblong.

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