Plant Detail


Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Cyanotis cristata - (L.) D. Don
Common Name
Crested Cat Ears
Tradescantia imbricata Roxb.
Moist shady places
Color Of Flower
Blue or purple
Key Characters
Flowers in scorpoid cymes; bracts leafy,bracteoles foliaceous, large.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description

Perennial, diffused herb; branches creeping, erect or ascending, reaching up to 40cm; stem slender, glabrous or with spreading hairs; rooting below; leaves sessile, ovate-oblong, subacute at apex, cordate or rounded at base, glabrous or sparsely hirsute, ciliolate on margins, sheath short, hairy; peduncles long; bracts twice as long as the cyme, bracteoles ovate, falcate, glabrous or ciliate with long hairs, striate or striolate, blue or purple; sepals 3, free or connate at the base, subequal, ovate; petals 3, unequal, united below in a tube, limbs orbicular, blue; stamens 6, all fertile, epipetalous, filaments simple, bearded, anthers oblong; ovary sessile, apically villous, 3-celled, ovules-2 in each locule, erect or pendulous, style filiform, thickened at the tip; capsule oblong, obtuse, trigonous, nearly glabrous with no free-central column after dehiscence; seeds black conical, striate or pitted.

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