Plant Detail


Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Smilax perfoliata - Lour.
Common Name
Sarsaparilla, Zarzaparilla
Climbing herb
Smilax laurifolia Roxb.
Mixed and sal forest
Color Of Flower
Creame white
Key Characters
Climbing rhizomatous shrubs; stems often prickly.
Systematic Position
Division :
Class :
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Plant Description

Climbers; stems stout, terete, strongly armed with recurved prickles; ; leaves alternate, very variable, ovate to orbicular, acuminate-cuspidate at apex, rounded or subcordate at base, usually 3-7costate, inner-3 united above the base; petioles sheathing portion usually forming 2, large, basal, amplexicaul, erect auricles or tendrils; umbels 10-20, 3 nate or whorled in racemes or panicles, 30-40-flowered; pedicels short; flowers unisexual, white, very small; bracteoles minute; sepals-3, free, oblong lanceolate; petals-3, free, very narrow, as long as sepals, often breaking off above the base in female flowers; in male flower: stamens-6 or more at the base of perianth segments, as long as the sepals, free, anthers dithecous, filament slender, staminodes 3 or 6 in female flowers: ovary oblong, trigonous, ovule solitary sometimes-2, style absent, stigmas-3, large, oblong, stout, erect, deciduous; berries red when ripe, oblong or globose in size of pea; seeds small, biconvex.

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