Plant Detail


Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Pistia stratiotes - L.
Common Name
Brandal, Kumbhika, Water Lettuce
Aquatic herb
Zala asiatica Lour.
Moist places
Color Of Flower
Key Characters
Neuter flowers present; ovules osthotropous, aquatic plants; leaves forming ressettes.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description

Stoloniferous, gregarious, free floating herb with rosettes of leaves upwards and numerous roots below, leaves sessile, obovate to suborbicular, rounded or retuse at apex, cuneate at base, forming an erect cup, brown papillose in the upper part and white woolly in the lower part, 3-12 nerves raised; spathe small, white, obliquely campanulate, tomentose externally, dilated above; spadix adnate to the back of spathe at the base, free above; flowers unisexual, male and female flowers separate; male inflorescence with flowers as few, sessile stamens beneath the apex of the spadix, anther slits vertical, with a ring of confluent, minute neuters below; female inflorescence represented by flower of solitary pistil; ovary conico-ovoid, 1-celled, style conical, stigma discoid, ovules many on basal or subparietal placenta; berry few seeded, membranous, ovoid, crowned by persistent stigma; seeds obovoid, albuminous.

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