योजना के सब मिशन

तालिका दो

ग्रीन इंडिया मिशन के तहत विभिन्न घटकों के तहत प्रावधानित भौतिक व आर्थिक लक्ष्य

S. No. Sub Mission Physical Target (Ha.) Financial Target (Lakh Rs.)
Type Treatment Type
1. Sub Mission 1 (a) Moderately dense forest cover, but showing degradation 142,835 64270.41
2. Sub Mission 1 (b) (i) Type A : Eco restoration of degraded open forest with plenty of root stocks 60,191 28732.26
(ii) Type B : Eco restoration of degraded open forest with limited root stocks and open blanks 19,620 17269.45
(iii) Type C : Eco restoration of degraded open forest of largely open areas with sparse undergrowth 17,789 26097.05
3. Sub Mission 1 (c) Restoration of grasslands 25,562 27034.30
4. Sub Mission 2 (f) Restoration of abandoned mining area 635 1966.23
5. Sub Mission 3 (a) Plantation in urban and peri urban areas 406 1191.28
6. Sub Mission 4 (a) Agroforestry and social forestry in farmer land including current fallows 59,827 35105.72
7. Sub Mission 4 (b) Agroforestry and social forestry in Shelterbelt plantation 343 823.73
8. Sub Mission 4 (c) Agroforestry and social forestry in Highway/Rural roads/canals/Tank Bunds 13,142 26990.27
9. Sub Mission 5 Restoration of wetlands 350 629.72
10. Promoting Alternative Fuel Energy Biogas, Solar devices, LPG. Biomass-based systems. Improved stoves 114185.00 3768.11
  Total 3,40,700 233878.51
For Support Activities
1. Research (2% of A)   4677.57
2. Publicity/Media/outreach activities (1% of A)    2338.79
3. Monitoring and Evaluation (1% of A)    2338.79
4. Livelihood improvement activities, (17% of A)   39759.35
5. Strengthening local-level institutions (5 % A)    11693.93
6. Strengthening FDs (5% A)     11693.93
7. Mission Organization, operation and maintenance, contingencies and overheads (4% A)    9355.14
  Total   81857.48
  Grand Total 3,40,700 315735.99